Ssl – How to get apache HTTP server to log the SSL Protocol for requests


I am planning on disabling TLSV1 on an apache 2.4 server running on Ubuntu 14.04. Before doing this I thought it would be good to analyse how many users this would impact. I've read through the apache log documentation, which should allow me to log environment variables.

I have a RewriteRule I set up redirect users with TLSV1 which works fine, this rule looks like this.

    RewriteCond %{SSL:SSL_PROTOCOL}  ^TLSv1$
    RewriteRule ^/test* /bad-ssl.html [L]

Which works perfectly. However I cannot get the log module to write SSl environment variables.

    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ssl.log "%a \"%{SSL_PROTOCOL}e\" \"%{SSL:SSL_PROTOCOL}e\" \"%{evn:SSL_PROTOCOL}e\""

What am I missing?

Best Answer

The variable SSL_PROTOCOL (and all other mod_ssl variables) is technically not an environment variable, therefore


won't work.

According to (Section Custom Log Formats) you have to use the syntax:


for SSL variables. To modify your config, it should read:

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ssl.log "%a \"%{SSL_PROTOCOL}x\""

I assume SSL:SSL_PROTOCOL and evn:SSL_PROTOCOL were just attempts to achieve the same.

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