Ssl – How to prevent a third party from proxying an HTTPS website


I am hosting some kind of database management interface on https://www.prettylongdomainname.example/ I have implemented HTTP Strict Transport Security to prevent people accessing this website over HTTP because I don't want my users to submit their login credentials over an unencrypted channel.

Now one user has registered the domain www.pld.example with a domain name provider that offers some kind "domain name redirection service" that effectively performs a man-in-the-middle attack on my website. It proxies the original website and makes it available at http://www.pld.example/ Some users are – for convenience – using the shorter URL and are unaware that they are now sending their passwords in plain-text to a third party.

What are the mechanisms I can use to prevent this type of MITM attack?

Best Answer

Heres a number of strategies you might want to consider:

1. From your server logs, figure out by which means the proxy is downloading your site and selectively change responses for him e.g. if hes using one specific provider, block or change responses for their address space

2. It may be completely sufficient to just informally notify the provider of the proxy be sure to contact their abuse department directly, not the sales guys. if their server IP is registered by different company than their domain registrar, take the path of least resistance - first ask the provider headquartered in a country closer to yours.

3. Depending on the TLD it will be anywhere from trivial to impossible to figure out the operator of the site and/or get a court order that forces their dns provider to drop them

4. Report them to Google Safe Browsing Use the option Report Phishing Page. This will - if our Google overlords decide so - create a big fat warning for users of the proxy AND it will remove the site from search results. Most users of most browsers are using the google safe browsing block lists, so this will effect not quite everyone, but close to.

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