Ssl – How to setup SSL on Amazon EC2

amazon ec2sslssl-certificate

I have just hopped over to Amazon for serving my .net sites and one site requires SSL.

I have an elastic IP pointing at my EC2 instance, and I have my site setup in IIS 7 all working fine. I also have an SSL cert from a vendor. I have installed the SSL cert in IIS but my https connection will not display my webpage.

I think it is something to do with the fact that I dont have a dedicated IP address for the cert/website in question.

Can anyone give me any hints please?

Best Answer

In your EC2 control panel, look at your instance and note the Security Group that is assigned to it. Then, navigate to the Security Groups section in the control panel, open your group, and make sure that port 443 is allowed over TCP.

This must be open to allow SSL traffic to your instance. A simple way to check if the port is open to the outside is to telnet into your server's IP on port 443, and see if you can connect and get a response.

telnet 443