Ssl – Internet Explorer 11 not working with HTTPS (Let’s Encrypt)

httpsinternet explorerlets-encryptssl

I had an application that was running with HTTP in all the browsers with no problem. Then I configured an Let's Encrypt SSL certificate using win-acme v1.9.10.1. Find the link below:

After installing the certificate, I was able to run my application with HTTPS on all browsers ( Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge) expect IE 11.

This is what's displayed when I try to run my application on IE 11:


What could be causing this issue? Is IE 11 supported by Let's Encrypt? Thanks.

PS: The content above my DOCTYPE tag isn't part of my code.

Best Answer

Is IE 11 supported by Let's Encrypt? Support depends more on the operating system than the browser. If you are using latest version of Windows everything should be fine:

I suggest you to make full validation of configuration and find anything suspicious:

Standard things to check on the browser side:

  • Do other sites with the Let's Encrypt certificate work in IE11?

  • Does the website work on other computers with IE11?