Ssl – need to purchase an SSL certificate when I can generate one locally


I am having trouble understanding why we need to purchase SSL certificates when we can generate them locally using openSSL. What is the difference between the certificate I purchase and a test certificate I generate locally? Is it just a big scam?

Best Answer

One word - trust. The SSL certificate from a provider that your browser trusts means that they have at least done basic verification to say that you are who you say you are.

Otherwise I could make my own certificates for or and pretend to be them.

Paid certificates do not provide any extra level of encryption over self signed (usually). But a self signed certificate will cause the browser to throw an error.

Yes parts of SSL are a scam (a verisign certificate vs a geotrust where verisign are up to 100x more expensive) but not all of it.

If this is all internal stuff, then there is no need for a paid certificate as you can employ your own trust methods (e.g. Do nothing, or perhaps just fingerprint checking).