SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name


At one time our company hosted our own blog which we hosted with our wildcard cert for the domain, * We moved our company blog to Hubspot and the team at Hubspot setup a second SSL cert for for the Hubspot hosted blog (I have no idea why this all happened before I started here).

We are now having an intermittent issue with our apex domain Sometimes it resolves fine but sometimes in Chrome you get the scary "Your connection is not private" warning. Hubspot's response was to have us create a redirect with EasyRedirect, which I have done, but that hasn't resolved it.

If I curl -vL it works fine but curl -vL gives me SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

Is there something I can do about these competing SSL certs for our apex domain?

Best Answer

A site binding can only have 1 SSL certificate assigned to it. It sounds like Hubspot has the certificate bound to your site and that certificate does not have a SAN for You should do a couple things here:

  1. Reissue your SSL certificate and include a SAN for
  2. Redirect anyone going to to (This will not resolve the "Your connection is not private" message until you do #1. This is because the SSL connection occurs before the site is displayed and you will not be able to redirect people until they trust your certificate.

If they were using your wildcard certificate then none of this would matter and both URLs would result in a valid certificate. Depending on how long you've been at the company it's possible your wildcard certificate is expired and you'd need a new one anyway. There is probably a way to work with Hubspot to have a CSR generated and go buy your own wildcard certificate if your company wants to go that route.