Ssl – One vhost, multiple certificates


I have the domain with the subdomains : and Let's suppose that I can't buy a wildcard certificate but, I bought the certificates for and Now I bought the certificate for The site and it's subdomains are in the same folder, using one Apache vhost file and subdomains are defined as aliases.

  1. Can I merge the certificates into one file ?
  2. What if I used the same key, csr files to generate the certificates ?
  3. Is the ONLY solution to declare the sites in two different vhosts ?

Best Answer

Can I merge the certificates into one file?

No, only one leaf certificate is supported. Although from version 2.4.8 the SSLCertificateFile directive allows multiple certificates in that file, that is only to include intermediate CA certificates, sorted from leaf to root, as a replacement for the SSLCertificateChainFile directive.

The SSLCertificateFile directive can be used multiple times (referencing different filenames) when an RSA, a DSA, and an ECC based server certificate is used in parallel. But you can't use multiple SSLCertificateFile directives to load a certificate for the ServerName and an extra for the ServerAlias.

What if I used the same key, csr files to generate the certificates?

Still no.

Is the ONLY solution to declare the sites in two different vhosts ?

If you have two certificates you need two SSL VirtualHosts.