Ssl – openldap TLS error -8179:Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized


tl;dr Does this error mean that I need to find my company's ldap server's public certificate and install it, or that my company's ldap server needs to install my public cert? If the former, how can I grab the certs and install it?

I'm attempting to integrate an application with my company's LDAP. I'm very new to LDAP and SSL so I apologize in advance. I can do this successfully on non-ssl but am hitting this issue when I attempt to do this over SSL. I am on a Rhel 6.4 with openldap version 2.4.

Using either ldapsearch

ldapsearch -v -h -b 'DC=myhost,DC=com, -D 'CN=me,DC=myhost,DC=com' -x -W -Z

or Python

import ldap
con = ldap.initialize('ldaps://')
dn = 'CN=me,DC=myhost,DC=com'
pw = 'password'
con.simple_bind_s(dn, pw)

results in:

ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)
    additional info: TLS error -8179:Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.

Does this mean that I need to find my company's ldap server's public certificate and install it somewhere, for example, /etc/openldap/certs? Or, does it mean that I need to tell my company's ldap server to approve my public certificate?

openssl s_client -connect

This dumps a certificate, but at the end says:

Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)

Again, I'm unsure if this means that I need the ldap server's certs or vice versa.

I did try to see the certificate chain like this:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

I copied the certificates in order and made a file like so, named cert.pem:


I tried this:

openssl s_client -connect -cert /path/to/cert.pem 

but it failed with:

unable to load client certificate private key file
140503604590408:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:703:

(I also tried -CAfile and -CApath on this, but I received the unable to get local issuer certificate.)

I recreated the pem file but this time included my server's private key, and cert, followed by the ldap server's certs, but received the same error (Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)) again.

Am I creating these certificate files incorrectly?

Best Answer

The reason why I received those errors was because I did not have the ldap server's certificates installed on my server. The ldap server doesn't need to have my server's certs installed.

I contacted someone within my company who was able to provide two certificates, a root cert and an intermediary cert, both in der format. Notably, these certificates were not the same as those I received using the openssl s_client -showcerts command. I followed this link to convert them from der to pem, like this:

openssl x509 -in root.cer -inform der -outform pem -out root.pem
openssl x509 -in intermediary.cer -inform der -outform pem -out intermediary.pem
# Combine these files into one cert in exactly this order
cat root.pem > master.pem
cat intermediary.pem >> master.pem

I could then issue this command fine

openssl s_client -connect myhost:636 -CAfile /path/to/master.pem

And to connect in Python:

import ldap
# point to the cert
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, cert_file)
con = ldap.initialize('ldaps://')
dn = 'CN=me,DC=myhost,DC=com'
pw = 'password'
con.simple_bind_s(dn, pw)