Apache 2.2 – Recommendation for a Non-Standard SSL Port


On our server I have a single IP, and need to host 2 different SSL sites. Sites have different owners so have different SSL certificates, and can't share the same certificate with SAN.

So as a last resort I have modified the web application to give the ability to use a specified port for secure pages. For its simple look I used port 200. However I'm worried about some visitors may be unable to see the site because of their firewalls / proxies blocking the port for ssl connections. I heard some people were unable to see the website, a home user and someone from an enterprise company, don't know if this was the reason.

So, any recommendations for a non-standard SSL port number (443 is used by the other site) which may work for visitors better than port 200 ? Like 8080 or 8443 perhaps?


Best Answer

Using port 200 would definitely be an issue. My users wouldn't be able to see your site on that port.

8443 is a good compromise. Being standard in Java environments, more professional environments will allow it. I suspect there will still be issues, however.

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