Ssl – Request Entity Too Large error while uploading files of more than 128KB over SSL


We have a web portal setup on Java spring framework. It running on tomcat app server. Portal is served through apache web server connected to tomcat through JK connector. Entire portal is HTTPS enabled using 443 port of apache. Apache version is : Apache/2.4.2 (Unix). it is the latest stable version of apache web server.

Whenever we try to upload files more than 128 KB into the portal, We are facing 413 error:

Request Entity Too Large The requested resource /teamleadchoachingtracking/doFileUpload does not allow request data with POST requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.

In the apache error log we get the following errors:

AH02018: request body exceeds maximum size (131072) for SSL buffer
AH02257: could not buffer message body to allow SSL renegotiation to proceed

We did search over google and there were suggestions to put SSLRenegBufferSize as some high value like 10MB. Based on these suggestions, we had put the following entry in virtualhost section of httpd config file:

<Directory "/teamleadchoachingtracking/doFileUpload/">
SSLRenegBufferSize 10486000

But still the error persists.
Also we have specified SSLVerifyClient none, but still renegotiation is happening.

This is a very inconsistent and frustrating error. Any help will be highly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I managed to solve it by putting certain configuration in apache httpd.conf file. Here is the sample configuration:

<Location "/calibration">
  SSLRenegBufferSize 10486000

Earlier i was not giving correct configuration. Key is the exact URL location which is causing http 413 error. In the location directive exact URL location needs to be given. SSLRenegBufferSize is the param which specifies the max buffer size in bytes in case a renegotiation happened. I had set it to 10 MB. Apache default is 128KB.