Rsyslog Forwarding – How to Use Original Source IP Over TLS


I'm trying to forward all syslog messages over TLS from our enviroment to an external syslog server ( using rsyslog. Unfortunately the source IP is changed to that of the relay host ( I would like it to send the original source IP instead of the IP of the relay host while adhering to the RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format format.

Current rsyslog configuration relevant for forwarding the syslog messages over TLS:

$DefaultNetstreamDriverCAFile /etc/pki/tls/private/ca.crt
# Run driver in TLS mode
$DefaultNetstreamDriver gtls
$ActionSendStreamDriverMode 1
$ActionSendStreamDriverAuthMode x509/name

# Forward logging
*.* @@(o);RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format

Would it be possible to modify the fromhost-ip to the original source IP?

Best Answer

I'm not sure if this is sufficient, but the built-in template RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format is defined as

"<%PRI%>1 %TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %APP-NAME% 

and you can replace HOSTNAME by fromhost or fromhost-ip:

template(name="myFormat" type="string"
   string="<%PRI%>1 %TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339% %fromhost% %APP-NAME% %PROCID% %MSGID% %STRUCTURED-DATA% %msg%\n")
*.* @@(o);myFormat
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