Ssl – Run 2 seperate IIS sites, with seperate SSL certificates on same server


I am trying to setup 2 completely separate IIS sites on a single server (single IP address) that will both use different DNS entries but the same port (443) to access the site over SSL. For example,

Site 1:

Site 2:

We already have certificates for each of the above sites and I can't seem to get this to work.

I am running Server 2008 with IIS7 and but the host header property is greyed out in IIS so I can't add this in.

Is this possible to achieve? I might be missing something very simple here but just can't see it.

Best Answer

To my knowlege not possible due to security constraints - you need two ip addresses. IIS tries to fowward the request to the proper sub-instance BEFORE decoding it, and it can thus not evaluate the host header via https.

So, for SSL you need multiple ip addresses.