Ssl – Server SSL configuration to stop warnings and errors


I've just setup SSL on the main domain in my whm/cpanel setup, the domain has it's own ip and is all up and running correctly.

However when browsing the site in Chrome I get the following:

Your connection to is encrypted with 256-bit encryption.
However, this page includes other resources which are not secure.
These resources can be viewed by others while in transite and can be
modified by an attacker to change the behaviour of the page.

The connection uses SSL 3.0.

The connection is encrypted using AES_256_CBC, with SHA1 for message
authentication and DHE_RSA as the key exchange mechanism.

The connection is not compressed.

The connection had to be retried using SSL 3.0. This usually means
that the server is using very old software and may have other security

I have checked the WHM > Server Configuration > Apache Configuration > Global Configuration

and SSL Cipher Suite is set to the following, as recommended:


I also have the following SSL report:

I also get this error when displaying a blank html file with just a title so it isn't from includes from external sources.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Test Secure</title>

<h1>Test Secure</h1>

I've checked the server software and it's using openSSL 0.9.8e, could this be a factor?

What is it that I'm doing wrong? are there any more settings that would help to diagnose the problem?

Best Answer

However, this page includes other resources which are not secure. These resources can be viewed by others while in transite and can be modified by an attacker to change the behaviour of the page.

Open the Developer Tools panel in Chrome (View -> Developer) and go to the network tab. It will list everything that it's loading. In addition, click on the warnings/errors icons at the bottom right. They'll open the list of errors, including messages such as:

  • The page at ... displayed insecure content from http://...
  • Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL https://.../ from frame with URL http://.... Domains, protocols and ports must match

Most likely, it will come from frames and contents embedded from ads. Once you've found the "offending" resources in the list in the network tab, the "Initiator" column should give you a clue regarding what's loading them.

The connection had to be retried using SSL 3.0. This usually means that the server is using very old software and may have other security issues.

Make sure you have this (in addition to the SSLCipherSuite directive):

SSLProtocol all -SSLv2