Ssl – Some clients can’t connect to the website via SSL


I have a website with verified SSL. Everything is ok except one thing.
In our country there is a mobile internet provider whose clients can't access our website.
When they try to access my website through their mobile network, they can't. After their report I tried it myself, and same result. FTP, :80, SSL 10000 ports are OK. But only SSL 443 gives timeout. No access to my server.
I have checked server logs, and found no log entries from those IP-s, so it means that their request doesn't reach my server. Just timeout after some seconds trying. I contacted the mobile provider's support, they investigated and assured me that they haven't blocked any port or hostname for my dedicated server. And one more strange fact: only 60-70% their clients can't connect to my ssl website, other 30-40% connect without any trouble.
Is there any way to find the real reason of problem? telnet, ping, traceroute, dns and network structure checking didn't give any result.
If the problem lies in the mobile provider's network, I have to prove it to them, else they reject their fault and advise me to check my server structure again.

Best Answer

Generalized Problems

The CRL specified in the trust chain is timing out. See SLL LABS. There is also an anchor problem. Some browser addons may block based on this. Both Mac OS X and IOS have options to block of the CRL/OCSP is not reachable.

You should reach out to Comodo or your SSL cert reseller and ask for help. Give them the SSL Labs link.

Mobile Provider Debugging

Mobile providers almost always go through their carriers proxy. This is usaully transparent to the mobile subscribers, as a cert is installed on their devices to trust the carrier's proxies. Their customers would have to contact that provider and ask for them to look into it. Their proxy logs will have more details. It is also possible the mobile provider has blocked access to your hosting provider, or vice versa.

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