Ssl – Squid Proxy using HTTPS


So i have squid proxy setup and running fine with HTTP but now i need it to work with HTTPS. i already have a self signed certificate using my own root CA which is installed on my pc, and a key as well. The only issue is that all the guides that i have found on how to configure squid to use HTTPS is that you need this sslbump file.


When i installed squid on my ubuntu 18.04 server the /usr/lib/squid folder doesnt have the sslbump file, here is a list of all the files that are there:

basic_db_auth* basic_radius_auth* ext_file_userip_acl** pinger*
basic_fake_auth* basic_sasl_auth* ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl* log_db_daemon* storeid_file_rewrite*
basic_getpwnam_auth* basic_smb_auth* ext_ldap_group_acl* log_file_daemon* unlinkd*
basic_ldap_auth** ext_session_acl* negotiate_kerberos_auth* url_fake_rewrite*
basic_ncsa_auth* cert_tool* ext_sql_session_acl* negotiate_kerberos_auth_test**
basic_nis_auth* digest_file_auth* ext_time_quota_acl* negotiate_wrapper_auth*
basic_pam_auth* digest_ldap_auth* ext_unix_group_acl* ntlm_fake_auth*
basic_pop3_auth* diskd* ext_wbinfo_group_acl* ntlm_smb_lm_auth*

Now i dont know if the name changed or whatever but its doesnt seem like it did (based on the guides and tutorials that i found).

Can someone please help me, ant help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

You need to compile the squid from source code with --enable-ssl-crtd --with-openssl, or simply install squid from this ppa, it already compiled with ssl enabled.