SSL stops working on IIS7 after a reboot


I have a Windows 2008 Server with IIS7. Every time the server reboots, SSL stops working.

Normal HTTP requests work fine, but any request to an HTTPS address gives the typical error message in the browser:

Cannot find server or DNS

I can temporarily fix it by opening IIS Manager and bring up the Bindings… window for the website in question. Then I select “https”, click on “Edit” then click “Ok” without making any changes to the settings. After doing this, browsing to https:// works again until the next reboot.

This issue look as lot like the one described here, but according to the Certificates MMC snapin, the certificate in question does have a private key. I'm also pretty sure that I never installed the certificate in the personal store, but imported it straight into the machine store, but it's been a while…

There's not a lot in the event log apart from the event ID 36870 also described in the post I linked to.

Can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue so that SSL will work even after a server reboot?

Best Answer

Something else that comes to mind would be a service that is trying to bind to your SSL port during startup. Do you have another SSL site or another server that's trying to listen on that port by any chance? If so, can you temporarily disable that server or switch the site to a different port to see if that allows your SSL site to come up?