Ssl – Two ssl certificates on same server with two different IP addresses


I have two Sharepoint web applications running on the same server. We want to use the following IP Address:port configurations:
– first site: IP Address: x.x.x.22 port 443
– second site: IP Address: x.x.x.60 port 4430

When I go to IIS for the second site and select the .60 IP address and port 4430 and then select the certificate I'm getting the following message:

"The binding is already being used by a product other than IIS. If you continue, you might overwrite the existing certificate for this IP Address/Port combination. Do you want to use this binding anyway"

I don't want to click Yes because I'm not sure what this is going to overwrite.
The strange thins is that I've tested this before with a self-signed certificate and it worked fine. But now it's not working (I tried it with both the official ssl certificate and a self-signed one).

One thing I noticed is that if I edit this binding and select "All Unassigned" as the IP address rather than the one I'm trying to force then I am able to assign the certificate with no problem. But, if I do that, is it going to end up using IP address x.x.x.22 or x.x.x.60? I would prefer to explicitly specify the IP address.

Best Answer

Try checking to see if there is another service listening on that port:

From a command prompt:

netstat -an | find ":4430" 

Look for anything listening on that port. That will help ascertain if there is another service on your host that is configured to listen on that port. If that is the case then you would need to either change the port that service is listening on or change which port you want your second sharepoint site to listen on.

If you find there is no conflict (I suspect that perhaps it got confused about the binding) you should be able to bind the second site with your desired certificate.