Ssl – Unable to get StartSSL trust chain to work


I received a free SSL certificate from StartSSL which I installed on my server. It works fine on desktop browsers and such but as soon as I open the website on my phone it says "NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID".

When I test my site on different SSL checkers they all say my trust chain is incomplete or my Intermediate certificates are missing.

My site runs on a HAProxy loadbalancer with two servers backend. I concatenated my certificate with the private key and placed it in the configuration of HAProxy, but I have no idea how to configure it so it also includes the Intermediate certificates.

Best Answer

StartSSL splits their certificate distributions into sub-packages for use with the common server setups - IIS, Apache and Nginx - each simply contains the common naming scheme and appropriate intermediate certificate bundling.

The package has the individual certificates separated as individual files: the intermediate, your issued cert, and a root cert (which you shouldn't need.) If you have used this package, the Intermediate Certificate 1_Intermediate.crt needs to be concatenated to your issued certificate to complete the chain.

The concatenation step has already been taken for the Nginx package, and using that would be the fastest solution.