Ssl – use Cloudflare CDN/HTTP proxy for SSL-enabled web-site


  1. I want to use Cloudflare CDN/HTTP proxy for my web-site that already has HTTPS through LetsEncrypt certificate.
  2. I don't want to use Cloudflare's Free SSL certificate as it doesn't work on WindowsXP and some old browsers. Neither I want to upgrade the plan to pay monthly fees.
  3. If I turn on Cloudflare proxying without enabling their SSL, it keeps redirecting my web-site from HTTPS to HTTP. If I turn on their SSL, I end-up with the limitations of their free SSL certificates.

So, is there a walkaround to use own SSL certificates and benefit from Cloudflare optimizations, CDN, etc.?

Best Answer

  1. Yes, the browser will do HTTPS over HTTP2 to CloudFlare, then they will use HTTPS to your origin server.

  2. This rules out CloudFlare for you. Either accept XP can't access the site or pay for the additional feature.

  3. Yes, that's right.

No, there's no way to do what you want to do, within the constraints you've placed. CloudFlare must terminate the browser session, and if you disable HTTPS it will be HTTP. If you want to use CloudFlare you need to change your requirements or constraints.

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