HAProxy – Use as HTTPS Forward Proxy and SSL Termination


I'm trying to do something like this:

  • Clients send HTTP request to HAProxy.
  • HAProxy does the TLS stuff to convert the request into https and forward to a server. HTTP to the client.
  • The server sends https response to HAProxy, then the response is forwarded as HTTP to client.

Currently, I'm not so sure how to achieve that goal with HAProxy. I tried to create a frontend listen on a custom port and then forward to a backend server. This is my HAProxy configuration:

frontend manager_https
    bind *:8443
    mode tcp
    log global
    maxconn 2000
    timeout client 50000
    default_backend     https_be

backend https_be
    timeout connect         5000
    timeout server          50000
    retries                 3
    server                  rtmp-manager check-ssl verify none

Unfortunately, this does not work. When clients send HTTP request, HAProxy also forward the HTTP request to backend server, not HTTPS.
How can I change the configuration to make it works as expected?

Another question: Is there any ways to make the offload transparent with client using HAProxy?

I would really appreciate any help!

Best Answer

Specify the ssl directive in the definition of your backend server, like this:

 server                  rtmp-manager check-ssl ssl verify none

Note that the check-ssl option affects the health checks only, and if ssl is specified, it can be omitted, since health checks are automatically done via SSL.

HAProxy should act as a transparent reverse proxy, so clients should not recognize that the requests are in fact handled by backend servers.