Google Cloud Platform – Using Let’s Encrypt TLS with Google Load Balancer


I've been trying to test out Kubernetes on Google Cloud, but would need HTTPS/TLS (only) exposed on the deployed application. To start, I just followed this tutorial, which worked fine for plain HTTP over port 80:

To get TLS support working with Let's Encrypt, I've tried (without success):

… Does anyone have any suggestions on how to serve just HTTPS for the original tutorial? No need for plain HTTP unless it's a freebie, but I'm really scratching my head on this one since I haven't worked with Kubernetes before and I haven't been able to get Let's Encrypt working at all here.

Best Answer

So, it turns out that you can just add TLS directly on the load balancer now, and it'll issue a Let's Encrypt certificate automatically. This is doable via Cloud Console:

Let's Encrypt issued on GCP LB

No clue why this isn't more well-known.

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