Ssl – Using multiple SSL certificates in Tomcat 7 for a webapp


I've been using a wildcard SSL certificate in Apache Tomcat 7. But now that I have to renew, I see there are these EV (extended verification) SSL certificates where browsers show a nice green bar so users feel better. That would be important for my site, so I want it! But I have multiple subdomains and apparently EV SSL certificates are NOT wildcard by nature. So ok, I have a set number of subdomains, I can just buy a bunch (I definitely need at least 2) EV SSL certificates for each subdomain.

Can I set this up in Tomcat 7 so that there are multiple SSL certificates on 1 web application? It's not a problem for me to assign multiple IP addresses to this machine.

Best Answer

You can generally purchase unified communications Extended Validation certs from quite a few vendors, ( so you can have 1 cert that suuports multiple domains ). Digicert is one example of a CA offering these. Verisign also offers extended validation certs that support multiple SANs but Verisign is very expensive. I'd say shop around. I don't think GoDaddy will let you get an EV cert with multiple names attached to it but others do.

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