Ssl – WD Sentinel DX 4000 Remote Web Access requires port blocked by ISP. Is it possible to change the default ports


WD Sentinel DX 4000 Remote Web Access requires port blocked by ISP. Is it possible to change the default ports?

The ports required are 80 for HTTP, and 443 for HTTPS.

I can RDP into the server behind Western Digital's front end (itself apparently just an IIS web page presented through RDP), but wouldn't know where to begin to look to modify the default ports. I've been told it's possible, but even that, I'm not certain of.

I'm not, as I'm sure you can tell, any kind of professional admin. I'm just the guy that isn't scared of computers in my office, so I get these things tasked to me.

Best Answer

Ports 80 and 443 are blocked by your ISP? Time to get a new ISP. It doesn't appear you can change the ports used on this WSS device that I can see.

How do you know they are being blocked at the ISP level? It's more likely that there's a firewall at your location (possibly inside the WAN router or cable modem, or whatever is at your SMB) that you need to setup to allow 80 and 443 port forwarding through your WAN firewall into the WD Sentinel.

Do you have a firewall in between the DX4000 and the ISP? You could setup the rules there using PAT (port address translation) to do something like external_IP:88 redirects to DX4000_internalIP:80. However, it may get tricky if it doesn't also allow for external_IP:444 redirects to DX4000_internalIP:443 or requires both http and https during the connections. You might only need the SSL (2nd PAT) one if your users can go straight to that link.

Short of that, the only option I can think of is setting up a separate VPN than the built-in remote web access one on the DX4000 (either through the WAN firewall router or on a separate VPN server) that would get the users remote access into the network where they can directly access the DX4000.