Ssl – Windows Server 2012 unable to access specific SSL page


This problem really boggles the mind.
I have a standard Windows 2012 server with windows firewall enabled.

Using Chrome, I am unable to access a certain HTTPS website while other HTTPS websites can be accessed without problems. Error: Time out.

Cannot access: ""
Can access:, is accessible from home/office PC without issue.
From the server, I can ping to

I have tried allowing 443 port, disabled the firewall, use different browser (IE) and it all doesn't open the page.

I have tried asking the hosting company if they have a firewall in between, they said nope.

Best Answer

This is years late... but for those who run into issues with SSL certificates. There are a couple tests you can run which will give insight to what your issue might be.

Testing SSL Installations Using Bash:

  • Try to establish a connection with OpenSSL:

    openssl s_client -connect 
  • Test for redirects that may have a CN or SAN that doesnt match the certificate:

    curl -I -L

Testing SSL Installations Using Windows:

  • Per this stack, you can establish a connection to the server using powershell and get some information:

    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri ""
  • Digicert has a free application for windows which can scan internal or external sites to check the installed certificate. Run the exe and go to Tools > Check Install.

Other Tools:

  • Nmap is great for testing network issues:

    nmap -sV --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443
  • The Qualys SSL Scanner can be used to review the quality and security of the connection. You can compare the results to Mozilla's recommended server configs if you're really zealous.
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