Ssl – Your SSL is partically encrypted


In Chrome,

I'm getting this message for my Magento site on payment page.

The site uses SSL, but Google Chrome has detected either high-risk insecure content on the page or problems with the site’s certificate. Don’t enter sensitive information on this page. Invalid certificate or other serious https issues could indicate that someone is attempting to tamper with your connection to the site.

I heard that external links may be an issue for this so I have taken out all of them but it still comes up with this error?

What could be wrong?

Best Answer

From your comments it sounds like you don't have the intermediate certificate installed on the server. You need to have the private key, any intermediate certificates, and you're site's certificate all installed.

I have no idea how to do this in WHM, as I've never used it, but the capacity must exist. Digicert has this guide, not sure how applicable it is.