SSLRequire – file function


I'm having trouble with Apache 2.2 and the small documentation that I can find for the file function of SSLRequire. I'm trying to check the email property of the client certificate in a request using SSLRequire.

The following option in httpd.conf file works well:

SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email} in { "" }

but as can I read in the documentation you can use a list of values for filter.

Quoting from the official documentation:

file(filename)- This function takes one string argument and expands to the contents of the file. This is especially useful for
matching this contents against a regular expression, etc.

So, following the documentation I put the following in the httpd.conf file:

SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email} in { file("/etc/httpd/mail-list") }

The file mail-list contains only one line with the content (trying to simulate the option that works without file).

But when I try to access to my HTTPS server I see the following in the logs:

Failed expression: %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email} in { file("/etc/httpd/mail-list") }

This message normally appears when the pattern can't be applied. Can someone help me here, how can I use this functionality?

Best Answer

According to this old thread on the apache-modssl mailing list, file() reads the contents of the file into a single string, and so special characters (such as newlines) in the referenced file may break the SSLRequire syntax.

Given that this was posted by the original author of mod_ssl, I'd trust this theory to be spot on.

Try with the following contents in /etc/httpd/mail-list:


with no trailing newline