Sssd ldap authentication cannot automount home directories


I have managed to setup ldap authentication. but I do not manage to have the home directories automatically mount when logged in.

the auto.master and auto.home are stored in the ldap.

this is my sssd.conf:

    config_file_version = 2
    services = nss, sudo, pam, autofs
    domains = default

    filter_users = root,ldap,named,avahi,haldaemon,dbus,radiusd,news,nscd

    reconnection_retries = 3
    offline_credentials_expiration = 2
    offline_failed_login_attempts = 3
    offline_failed_login_delay = 5

   ldap_tls_reqcert = never
   auth_provider = ldap
   ldap_search_base = dc=domain,dc=net
   ldap_group_member = uniquemember
   id_provider = ldap
   ldap_id_use_start_tls = True
   chpass_provider = ldap
   ldap_uri = ldaps://
   ldap_chpass_uri = ldaps://
   cache_credentials = True
   ldap_tls_cacertdir = /etc/openldap/cacerts
   entry_cache_timeout = 600
   ldap_network_timeout = 3
   sudo_provider = ldap
   ldap_sudo_search_base = ou=SUDOers,dc=domain,dc=net
   debug_level = 9


   autofs_provider = ldap
   ldap_autofs_search_base = dc=domain,dc=net
   ldap_autofs_map_object_class = nisMap
   ldap_autofs_entry_object_class = nisObject
   ldap_autofs_map_name = nisMapName
   ldap_autofs_entry_key = cn
   ldap_autofs_entry_value = nisMapEntry

   debug_level = 9

   debug_level = 9

I can login using the ldap credentials do sudo but cannot mount the homedir that are shared by nfs on the ldap server.

it seems it read the auto.master from ldap but fails after… tried ldap and ldaps.

lookup_nss_read_map: reading map ldap ldap:nisMapName=auto.home,
parse_server_string: lookup(ldap): Attempting to parse LDAP information from string "ldap:nisMapName=auto.home,".
parse_server_string: lookup(ldap): server "(default)", base dn "nisMapName=auto.home,"
parse_ldap_config: lookup(ldap): ldap authentication configured with the following options:
parse_ldap_config: lookup(ldap): use_tls: 0, tls_required: 0, auth_required: 4, sasl_mech: (null)
parse_ldap_config: lookup(ldap): user: (null), secret: unspecified, client principal: (null) credential cache: (null)
do_init: parse(sun): init gathered global options: (null)
read_one_map: map read not needed, so not done
mounted indirect on /export/home with timeout 300, freq 75 seconds
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 0 path /export/home
st_expire: state 1 path /misc
expire_proc: exp_proc = 140100367800064 path /misc
expire_cleanup: got thid 140100367800064 path /misc stat 0
expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 140100367800064 finished, switching from 2 to 1
st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /misc
handle_packet: type = 3
handle_packet_missing_indirect: token 582, name testuser, request pid 15127
attempting to mount entry /export/home/testuser
lookup_mount: lookup(ldap): looking up testuser
do_bind: lookup(ldap): auth_required: 4, sasl_mech (null)
get_server_SASL_mechanisms: Can't contact LDAP server
do_bind: lookup(ldap): autofs_sasl_bind returned -1
do_bind: lookup(ldap): auth_required: 4, sasl_mech (null)
get_server_SASL_mechanisms: Can't contact LDAP server
do_bind: lookup(ldap): autofs_sasl_bind returned -1
lookup(ldap): couldn't connect to server default
lookup(ldap): lookup for testuser failed: connection failed

this is my ldap entries:

dn: nisMapName=auto.home,dc=domain,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: nisMap
nisMapName: auto.home

dn: cn=*,nisMapName=auto.home,dc=domain,dc=net
objectClass: nisObject
cn: *
nisMapEntry: -rw,sync
nisMapName: auto.home

dn: nisMapName=auto.master,dc=domain,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: nisMap
nisMapName: auto.master

dn: cn=/export/home,nisMapName=auto.master,dc=domain,dc=net
objectClass: nisObject
cn: /export/home
nisMapName: auto.master
nisMapEntry: ldap:nisMapName=auto.home,dc=domain,dc=net


Best Answer

According to messages like lookup(ldap): couldn't connect to server default your nsswitch.conf doesn't use sss for automount, but the native LDAP connector, ldap. Either use sss for automount or configure automounter to lookup the maps directly.