Static IP address for App Engine app


I'm currently moving my e-commerce app to Google App Engine. I'm using the PHP Flexible runtime (PHP flex).

One of the transaction requires a call upon my Payment Provider's HTTP API. The problem now, my Payment Provider requires all caller IP address to be white-listed beforehand through some out-of-band registration. Registration is very restricted, only accepting a handful of IPv4 address per client.

I know GAE will spawn new instance as needed which will be assigned IP address from a large pool. So registering a list of address is not an option either.

I know this defeats the purpose of automatic scaling but is there any way I can assign static IP address to my app?

Is there any other way to approach this problem in GAE?

Will launching my app inside VPC helps here?

Best Answer

As of now, the GAE doesn't have the option to assign a static IP to an application. But you can make use of a GCP VM with a static external IP address, and then use it as a proxy for your GAE App might do the task. You can also check for a similar discussion here(1)