Static lease IP dhcp within dynamic range pool


I am using fedora 13.

I want to statically bind a MAC to IP. Now the problem is if the IP is within the range pool, it may get allocated to some other host also. For that I use a tweak, where I insert a entry in dhcpd.leases (although not recommended). Can anyone recommend a better solution. My requirement is, if I statically bind IP to a host then no matter what, it should be assigned to that host only. It is ok if I need to update the dhcp version, only problem is that I cannot update the fedora version, due to some reasons.

I referred this this link but has no solution to allow static binding of IP within the range pool.

Best Answer

Use a reservation as shown in Example 10.3. Static IP address using DHCP to fix the address to a particular MAC.

The reserved address is not allocated to any other host requesting an address.