Steps after installing vCenter Server


I'm working with:

  • Two new ESX servers that I'm configuring
  • A new Server 2008 R2 machine that I'm using for vCenter.

I took the following steps:

  • Installed the Hypervisor on the 2 ESX machines
  • Checked their setup/connectivity (appears to be fine; can ping, etc.)
  • Installed vCenter Server on the Win2k8R2 box. This included the install of a SQL Express database (we're a small shop)
    • FYI, I changed some of the ports (443 –> 8443, 80 –>8080, etc.)
  • Installed vCenter Web Client Server on the Win2k8R2 box


  • my vSphere Client on my Desktop fails to connect. Part of this is that it asks me for a username and password, but I don't recall specifying one when I set up the install.
    • I receive the error "vSphere Client could not connect to [machinename]. An unknown connection error occurred. (The request failed because of a connection failure. (Unable to connect to the remote server))"
    • I have also tried to use local machine admin credentials, including the format machinename\localuseracct.
    • I have also tried using my domain credentials which are an admin for that box.
    • I have also checked and the service is running.
    • I also tried to connect via vSphere client locally installed on the server. It translates "localhost" to the correct name but gives the same error.
  • I cannot register the vCenter server from the vCenter Web Client Server. I'm not sure if this is necessary, as they're both on the same machine, but it seems like the logical next step. I also receive a "failed to connect" error in this case as well.
    • FYI, both the vCenter server and the vCenter Web Client Server are installed on the same Win2k8R2 server.

What am I missing here? What is the best way to test in this case?

Best Answer

Well, this is embarrassing. Answering here so that someone else may find an answer, but I'm not proud of this one. :)

The solution was a simple one: Due to changing the port, neglected to also append the port to the login box in the vSphere Client.

So, updating from [machinename] to [machinename]:8443 worked just fine.

Thanks to RobM for starting me down the path of realizing I'd overlooked something basic.