Stop IIS 8.5 from listing on Port 80, but still listen on port 443 for specific IPs


A have an application server that serves a number of IIS 8.5 applications on a number of IP's. Some use port 80 only, some use port 443 only, some use 80 & 443.

For the sites that use 443 only, we do not want IIS to listen on port 80 for those IP addresses. If someone tries to access we do not want them to get a 404 not found, we do not want the server to respond at all (e.g. Server not found)

One option would be to use a firewall, including Windows firewall, but I was hoping I could just stop IIS from listing on port 80 for those specific IP's, while still listening on port 443, or any other bound port for that matter. I hoped iplisten had a port option, but alas it does not.

Note: I have ensured there are no sites using a wildcard biding on port 80. All sites are bound to specific IPs/ports. Am I missing somthing simple?

Best Answer

Here is a Microsoft TechNet article showing how to add a binding. Just do the opposite to remove.

For SSL only websites, why not redirect the requests? Or you could require SSL for a website.

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