Stop Zabbix notification for nodes under zabbix-proxy when proxy service is down


I have a zabbix-proxy and 12 nodes in that proxy. Right now whenever proxy service goes down. It send out of reach mail for all the 12 nodes.
I want to send mail only for the zabbix proxy not for the nodes under that proxy

Now I am trying to have a single trigger in which I want to check both the conditions like
1-check zabbix-host is not accessble from past x minutes.
2-check the host is not giving any data to the proxy(Host is down).

Not the trigger should start shouting onle when we have condition in which proxy is running and node is down. I tried the below but its not working for me. Can some please help me out in this

({}=1) & ({ip-10-4-1- 17.ec2.internal:zabbix[proxy,,lastaccess].fu‌​zzytime(120)}=1)

Best Answer

One way to accomplish that would be to monitor whether Zabbix proxy is reachable. This is done using zabbix[proxy,<name>,lastaccess] internal item. In the documentation on internal items, it then suggests to use fuzzytime() trigger function to check availability of your proxy:


After that you can make your "host unreachable" triggers depend on this trigger, which will stop them from being activated when proxy is unreachable (see documentation on trigger dependencies for more information).