Store “Documents and Settings” on a different drive. Windows 2003 Terminal Server


The situation is this. I have 2 terminal servers in an estate with lots and lots of servers.
The TS's can be used by anyone and will primarily be used for remote working (via a VPN solution). The users who will use the TS will also be using other desktop machines, and appropriate group policies for desktop builds etc are already in place.

What I need to do is move the c:\documents and settings folder to the D:\ drive for all users.

For various reasons, the profiles need to be local to the machine and a D: drive with suitable space has been created.

I have setup some test users with a Terminal Servers Profile setup within AD with the following settings:

Profile Path: d:\profile\%username%

Terminal Services Home Folder | Local Path: d:\profiles\%username%

With this done on the d: drive a profile folder with the username will be created, but only a "Windows" fodler will be created in there. THe normal documents and settings stuff still appears in the C Drive.

How do I stop this and point all at D:\ drive?

For info, I have started with fresh accounts.

Best Answer

Use group policy folders redirection to redirect My documents to any other location: