Strange DNS DOS attack — Endless Recursive Queries for


Our W2K3 DNS servers seem to be under some kind of DOS attack, but I can't seem to find any description of, or rationale for the attack.

Three specific remote hosts have been bombarding two of our three DNS servers with lines like this:

8937  891.093750  DNS  DNS: QueryId = 0xDA7C, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for   of type NS on class Internet
8938  891.218750  DNS  DNS: QueryId = 0xA504, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for   of type NS on class Internet
8939  891.219727  DNS  DNS: QueryId = 0x4E3F, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for   of type NS on class Internet
8940  891.370117  DNS  DNS: QueryId = 0xA8CC, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for   of type NS on class Internet
8941  891.372070  DNS  DNS: QueryId = 0xC808, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for   of type NS on class Internet
8942  891.476562  DNS  DNS: QueryId = 0xCC37, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for   of type NS on class Internet
8943  891.478516  DNS  DNS: QueryId = 0xEDEC, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for   of type NS on class Internet

There have been about 10 per second of these for several days now. Each attacker tries both the attacked servers in rapid succession, although they never try our third server.

Here is a sample of the detail of each packet:

+ Ethernet: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ Ipv4: Next Protocol = UDP, Packet ID = 20114, Total IP Length = 45
+ Udp: SrcPort = 23909, DstPort = DNS(53), Length = 25
- Dns: QueryId = 0xEDEC, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for   of type NS on class Internet
    QueryIdentifier: 60908 (0xEDEC)
  - Flags:  Query, Opcode - QUERY (Standard query), RD, Rcode - Success
     QR:                (0...............) Query
     Opcode:            (.0000...........) QUERY (Standard query) 0
     AA:                (.....0..........) Not authoritative
     TC:                (......0.........) Not truncated
     RD:                (.......1........) Recursion desired
     RA:                (........0.......) Recursive query support not available
     Zero:              (.........0......) 0
     AuthenticatedData: (..........0.....) Not AuthenticatedData
     CheckingDisabled:  (...........0....) Not CheckingDisabled
     Rcode:             (............0000) Success 0
    QuestionCount: 1 (0x1)
    AnswerCount: 0 (0x0)
    NameServerCount: 0 (0x0)
    AdditionalCount: 0 (0x0)
  - QRecord:   of type NS on class Internet
     QuestionType: NS, Authoritative name server, 2(0x2)
     QuestionClass: Internet, 1(0x1)

We currently have our firewall configured to simply drop requests from the three attackers, but if I allow them through, our server responds with a long answer listing the names (but not addresses) of all the root hint servers, and it seems to do this regardless of whether or not recursion is turned on.

Anyone have any idea what this is about? Can I get the incoming traffic to stop, or am I stuck blocking it at the firewall until they get bored?

Thanks for any info,

Best Answer

This may not be a DoS against you - it's much more likely that your machines are being used to send packets to someone else.

This is called an "amplification attack". They send you a 25 byte DNS request - you send back ~500 bytes of root hints.

If this is the case, the source IP addresses are actually spoofed, and they're taking advantage of your large response to enhance the effect of their DoS against those spoofed IP addresses.

Dropping the packets at your firewall is probably the best you can do at the moment.

However the real solution in the long term is to configure your DNS server to return the REFUSED response code for any query for which the server is not authoritative. If you do that then your server would no longer be a useful tool for future amplification attacks on other people.