Stripe and block size for a RAID0 array


I'm looking for a recommendation on block size and RAID0 stripe size.

We have a RAID0 array consisting of six SAS drives. The array is a workspace for SAS programs (I know, the various SAS references are confusing). We have a handful of these workspaces set up, and so when a user submits a SAS program on our server, their program gets it's own dedicated workspace.

Our current set up:


Filesystem: ext3

Filesystem block size: 4k

RAID0 stripe size: 64k

There are also application level settings for SAS for block size (BLKSIZE), currently set to 256 bytes — this must have been a default value.

Is anyone familar with setting up workspaces for SAS processing that could provide feedback on our current settings? We are looking to increase performance and speed up program run times. Let me know if I've left out any information.

Best Answer

Not exactly what you were asking for, but waisting performance by using ext3 is really bad. You should really look into using ext4 or XFS.

No experience with SAS, so it's impossible for me to answer how large stripe or block size you should use. It all depends on how big the files are.

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