Subdomain of a subdomain


I am trying to create url like I am planning to use this to display different content.

my questions are…

1) Is it possible to create such multi level sub domains? – is this based on the hosting company?
2) Isn't sub2.sub1.subdomain a different subdomain rather than a sub domain of sub1?
3) Will all of these subdomains have their own doc roots?
4) How will I handle users coming with and without www.

Any other potential issues that might arise?

EDIT:- How does this affect the behaviour of cookies?
Can I access a cookie set on on or

Best Answer

Is it possible to create such multi level sub domains?

Yes. You can have as many levels as you like in DNS.

is this based on the hosting company?

Your host might limit what you are able to do.

Isn't sub2.sub1.subdomain a different subdomain rather than a sub domain of sub1?

That isn't a useful distinction.

Will all of these subdomains have their own doc roots?

Assuming that all the subdomains end up resolving to the same IP address (and they really don't have to):

Browsers will send the FQDN in the Host header. How the webserver handles that depends on the webserver.

You can configure a separate Document Root for each — and you should (to avoid duplicate content penalties in search engines), unless you are going to do stuff to dynamically determine the content based on the FQDN.

How will I handle users coming with and without www.

However you like. www is only another subdomain without any special properties (other than convention). It is widely considered to be a good idea to pick either "with www" or "without www" as your canonical primary site and redirect the other one to it.