Sudo does not preserve TMPDIR


The sudo manpage tells me, that I can preserve the environment by passing the -E option, which does not work in the case of $TMPDIR:

> env | grep TMPDIR
> sudo env | grep TMPDIR
[no output]
> sudo -E env | grep TMPDIR
[no output]

This option is not blacklisted, that is sudo sudo -V doesn't list it as "Environment variables to remove". Following the approach proposed in an answer the the question "How to specify root's environment variables", I tried to whitelist it, that is my /etc/sudoers reads:

Defaults        env_reset
Defaults        env_keep = "TMPDIR"

This doesn't work neither, it actually doesn't even make TMPDIR appear in the whitelist (that is, what “sudo sudo -V` prints as "Environment variables to preserve".

(I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.)

Best Answer

It looks like glibc will remove certain environment variables when running setuid programs (sudo is, of course, setuid). TMPDIR is one of these environment variables, although it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere. This is a security feature to prevent setuid programs from having their environments altered to allow for malicious reading/writing of file data.

If you want TMPDIR in your sudo environment, you can pass it explicitly: