Sudo yum install oracle (-instantclient,-instantclient-basic,etc) not working


Specifically I would like to know what the package name is for the yum package for Oracle Instant Client. I've tried some that Google seemed to like, such as oracle, oracle-instantclient-basic, oracle-instantclient-devel, etc.

Second, how can I search available yum packages?

Best Answer

Are you perhaps missing the step where he downloads the RPMs from Oracle and places them into his own internal Yum repository?

I downloaded the instant client RPMs from Oracle to my local private yum repo that I use for in-house packages. Doesn't everyone have one of those? Then all ya gotta do is...

You can list available packages with yum list <search glob> or search the metadata with yum search <search glob>


yum search mozilla
yum list firef*

See also: yum man page