Supermicro BIOS recovery – SUPER.ROM


I have a Supermicro X9SCL+-F motherboard that I flashed a beta BIOS to, then the flash went bad when I tried to flash back to the latest stable. I am attempting to recover using their SUPER.ROM recovery from a flash drive without success.

I read in the manual that if I hold down Ctrl +Home  while powering on the server I can do a BIOS recovery from a flash drive.

I hold down those keys, hear the desired two beeps and I can see the activity LED on the flash drive activate. Unfortunately, instead of the monitor turning on and allowing a BIOS recovery as the manual indicates, I hear five beeps, followed shortly after by 3 beeps. I grabbed the latest BIOS from their site ( and extracted it to my flash drive and renamed it to SUPER.ROM. Their instructions are not clear if any ROM can serve as the SUPER.ROM file, or if I need a special SUPER.ROM file to initiate the recovery at which time I can supply a known good ROM.

Does anyone have any expertise in ROM recovery for Supermicro boards? Am I missing some key step? Can any known good ROM file function as the SUPER.ROM file for recovery?

Best Answer

I finally got some answers from their tech support, though it didn't end up working and it honestly sounded more like "suggestions" than actual facts... regardless:

  • The five beeps likely means "process failure" in this case - whatever that means.
  • The three beeps could possibly mean RAM failure. I strongly doubt this as I let the RAM burn in with memtest+ for about 72 hours. Doesn't mean something isn't wrong - just doubtful.
  • For what it is worth, I was told that the format of the flash drive didn't matter between FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 - I tried both FAT16 and FAT32 without success.
  • I was told that the name of the file is case sensitive, and should be SUPER.ROM in all caps.
  • I was also told that any known good BIOS image could be used as a source, just renamed to SUPER.ROM

I hope this helps someone else in the future. After about six weeks of emailing back and forth with their tech support and attempting different things with this board - I finally gave up troubleshooting it and just sent it in for an RMA and purchased a different board. Anyone want to buy a refurbished Supermicro board?