Svn – 403 Forbidden When Using AuthzSVNAccessFile


I've had a nicely functioning svn server running on windows that uses Apache for access. In the original setup every user had access to all repositories, but I recently needed the ability to grant a user only access to one repository. I uncommented the AuthzSVNAccessFile line in my httpd.conf file and pointed it to an accessfile and setup the access file, but I get a 403 Forbidden when I go to . If I recomment out this line then things work again. I also made sure I uncommented the LoadModule authz_svn_module and verified that it was point to the correct file.

Below is the Location section of my httpd.conf and my svnaccessfile

httpd.conf (location section only)

<Location /svn>
    DAV svn
    SVNParentPath C:\svn
    SVNListParentPath on
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Subversion repositories"
    AuthUserFile passwd
    Require valid-user
    AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile

(I want a more complex policy in the long run but just did this to test the file out)

* = rw

I have also tried just the below for the svnaccessfile.

* = rw

I also restart the service after each change just to make sure it is taken.

Best Answer

It looks like I have resolved the issue by changing the start of the Location tag to

The difference being the trailing /