SVN Checkin Failure(sqlite[S5]: database is locked)


I am facing this issue intermittently when I am trying to check-in files

svn ci -m "commit message" file
Warning: post commit FS processing had error:
sqlite[S5]: database is locked 

Some more info
Server side OS --> Centos6.5 and svn version 1.8.5 
Client Side OS --> Centos 5.11 and svn version 1.7.7

I already check some forums and these are the suggestion but it doesn't resolve my issue

1: Check server load(Server is fairly idle when I faced this issue..checked load average,IO and memory utilization)
2: There is a longer commit is in progress at that time
3: Both server and client are in same geographic location

As the error is intermittent and I checked svn repo file is there(i.e file checked in properly)so I am not sure what is the issue.Any help is really appreciated.

Best Answer

I believe this is a client side, and not server side error, based on your comments it seems you are using file based svn, so the only database that can be locked is on the client.

Try this

$ cd /my/repository/.svn
$ mv wc.db wc.db.old
$ sqlite3 wc.db.old
sqlite> .backup main wc.db
sqlite> .exit

now you have a new wc.db that should not have any locking errors

If it all works OK, delete wc.db.old

If not you can always

$ mv wc.db.old wc.db

and you will be right back where you stated before I Posted this .....

but it should work ....