Svn – chmod/chown after every svn update necessary


I use CentOS 5.5, and SVN 1.4.2

I use a working copy on my server as my webapplication, so that I can easily deploy the new code. But what really bothers me, is the fact, that every time I do an svn up (or svn update) I have to reset the file permission.

How can I solve that? I actually don't like to create an svn post-commit-hook. Is there any way to tell CentOS that newly added/changed files within certain files should always have certain permissions?

Best Answer

Have you tried with file acl (facl)? You can set default permissions for the new files in a folder.

#set acl for a file: 
setfacl -m u:Usuario:rwx filex
#set default acl for new files in directory
setfacl -dm u:usuario:rmx directory

Use -R option for recursive setfacl.