Svn client / tortoise svn hangs


i have an svn server in apache 2.2
my svn client is tortoise svn.
all was fine for months. i don't see something special in logs when problem started happening today.

suddenly svn clients for all users are hanging. which means i run some svn command like svn log http:/….svnurl… and it just hangs.
I watched the access.log of apache and i see this i think this says something - myuser [17/Aug/2010:21:54:21 +0300] "OPTIONS /svn/repos HTTP/1.1" 500 539 - - [17/Aug/2010:22:18:53 +0300] "OPTIONS /svn/repos/trunk/myurl HTTP/1.1" 401 401

however when i watch the communication with ethereal i see like i do get response i see:

`Authorization: Basic shfksjdfhjhf=

?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?D:options xmlns:D="DAV:"D:activity-collection-set//D:options`

so it looks like im getting response isnt it?

anyone has any idea what is happening? why are all svn clients stuck?


Best Answer

No, the responses you're sending are error codes: 500 Internal Server Error and 401 Unauthorized on the two responses you sent back.

You might try restarting your apache server and make sure that you've got free disk space and check your logs for other errors.