Svn – Is it possible to keep two SVN servers synchronized with each commit and both with read/write rights


We currently have a local server that is used as our main SVN repository for a team of developers.

We are planning to setup an Azure VM which will be used as the main repository for our SVN repositories. This was decided since the uptime on Azure services is way better and also we have offshore developers working on the same project.

The local server will be used as a backup server, in case the Azure server is offline.

The question is;

  • Is it possible to keep the Azure and local server synchronized with
    each commit and both with read/write rights?

Our Subversion Server Version: Subversion Edge 3.0.1

Best Answer

Is it possible to keep the Azure and local server synchronized with each commit

Sure, you can use post-commit hooks to run svnsync to sync changes.

and both with read/write rights?

Uhm, no. SVN is not designed to be used this way. You'll need one single master repo to which all commits are made. This master can be sync'd to any number of read-only slaves, though.