Svn – “Permission Denied” Errors Serving SVN/WebDAV to Mac OS X


I am setting up a server for a small office. Due to technical difficulties, they had files disappearing constantly. In order to prevent this, I am setting up Apache with Autoversioned Subversion over WebDAV. The server is running Fedora 10 (PPC). I can connect to the server from any Mac in the office, but I get permission errors when I try to save a file. Here is the relevant part of my httpd.conf:

<Directory "/var/yearbook/svn">
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

<Location "/">
    DAV svn
    SVNPath /var/yearbook/svn/
    SVNAutoversioning on
    ModMimeUsePathInfo on

I can manipulate files from the server, but I get permission errors when I try to save from a Mac. I tried following these instructions, but to no avail. Even when they were enabled, the Mac still created the .DS_Store file. What really bothers me is that it will create a file I told it not to, but refuses to create a file I explicitly save.

A quick look in my error log shows many of these messages:

(2)No such file or directory: Anonymous lock creation is not allowed.  [401, #405]

Everyone needs access to the same things, so I am running the server without authentication. Do you think that this could be the problem?

Best Answer

After further investigation, and some experimentation, I tried adding a username/password requirement to the server. Interestingly, it worked. it's not ideal, as I wanted it to be completely open, but it will work for now. Here's what I added to the httpd.conf:

<Location "/">
    # ...
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Yearbook Files"
    AuthUserFile /var/yearbook/yearbook-svn-auth
    Require valid-user
    # ...

As a side question, does anyone know how to change the mount point of a WebDAV share on Mac OS X? Currently it shows up in Finder as the server's IP address, and I'd like a friendlier name displayed instead.