Svn – Subversion on Ubuntu with multiple repositories and separate commits


When I first set up SVN on my server, I opted for the WebDAV http://... access method. However, I could not find out how to enable multiple repositories with this configuration. With this method, any one commit incremented the revision counter for all projects.

Next, I switched over the the svn:// protocol using the included svnserve daemon. Using the svnserve -d -r /storage/svn/ options, i was able to serve multiple seperate repositories. However, my partner and I were none to pleased that our passwords had to be stored in plaintext files.

What I need is a way to make available multiple repositories, many of which will have the same access permissions. Would someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

Assuming you have an structure like:

  • /var/repositories/repo1
  • /var/repositories/repo2
  • /var/repositories/repo3

You need something like:

        <Location /svn>
                DAV svn
                SVNParentPath /var/repositories
                AuthType Basic
                Allow from all
                AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
                AuthName "SVN Auth"
                AuthzSVNAccessFile /var/security/svnauthz.conf
                AuthUserFile /var/security/passwd.conf
                Require valid-user

For an ease administration I recommend you to use SVNManager . This will help you to create repositories, manage permissions and groups.

For an ease visibility and navigation of the repository using http I recommend you to use websvn This will help you to navigate through the repository, make diffs and read code.