Svn – TracError: Repository not found


I'm getting that error when trying to execute trac-admin /path/to/trac
repository resync /path/to/svnroot/repo1

Both paths exist. I'm trying to use Trac 0.12 with several svn
repositories. I could resync the first one without problems, but the
second one causes that error. Now, I can't resync any of them. I
always get a error like this:

$ trac-admin /path/to/trac repository resync /path/to/svnroot/repoN

TracError: Repository '/path/to/svnroot/repoN' not found.

And the repository does exist. Tested.

Software used: Ubuntu 10.04, Trac 0.12, Subversion 1.6.12, Python 2.6,
Apache2 + mod_wsgi.

Things done:

  • Svn repositories created and tested, working well.

  • Trac initenv and deploy admin operations executed in trac

  • Apache configured adding these lines to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

My repos are /path/to/svnroot/repo1 and /path/to/svnroot/repo2.

And these lines were added to /etc/apache2/conf.d/trac.project.conf

Same passwords are used for svn and trac: /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd,
created with htpasswd.

Any clues about the TracError problem? Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Best Answer

In fact, when you use trac-admin /path/to/trac repository resync myrepository you have to specify myrepository by it's name and not by it's path (repoN in your case).