Svn – VisualSVN Server , Windows 7 and Apache Problem


I am running Visual SVN Server(with Apache) on a Windows 7 computer and network. After about 15-20 minutes of my first commit/update, I am unable to access the repository via Tortoise SVN.

The error message I get is:
OPTIONS of "https://jason/svn/repository1": could not connect to server (https://jason)

Restarting the Visual SVN Server service helps sometimes but fails quite often. The only sure-shot way to get it working is to restart the computer. The server – https://jason is also not accessible via the browser when I get this error

1) I tried reinstalling Windows 7, Visual SVN server and Tortoise SVN but I still keep getting this error.

2) I searched several forums but I dont seem to be able to find an answer.

Please help.

Best Answer

Try setting up VisualSVN to use port 8443.

Sometimes when you are using two web servers on the same machine there are port conflict.