Dell PowerEdge – How to Swap Entire Disk Set Between Servers


I have a dell poweredge R610 which has 2 x 140 gb harddrives mirrored (hardware) running a high cpu intensive application in windows 2008 R2. We recentely purchased a new dell poweredge R610 which has a higher spec CPU. Is it possible to put both the drives from the first server into the new server and boot it up without a re-image or re-install ? So basically swap the entire disks between the two servers ?

Update: It's the same hardware appart from CPU, so same raid controller.



Best Answer

I did this recently between two identical HP G5 servers without problems. Hardware-based RAID-controllers who arent stupid saves their logical volume configuration on the disks, so it should not be a problem if you have the same RAID controllers (at the same firmware version).

You should however make sure you have a very recent backup/ghost image of the logical volume before doing this.

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