Switch – sniffing on a switched LAN


I often find myself in the position of having to sniff on a connection between for example an arm board I am developing on, and another computer on the network, or out of the network.

The easy situation is when I can install a sniffer on the computer talking to the embedded device. When it is not possible, I currently install an old 10Mb/s HUB. However I am afraid my HUB might stop working, and I would like to know some alternative.

Here are the alternatives I could think of :

  • Buy another HUB. Is that still possible ?
  • Have some sort of ethernet sniffing bridge, like what they do for USB. I am afraid this kind of device is expensive.
  • use ARP poisoning.

Best Answer

More expensive switches will offer port mirroring, where they will mirror the traffic of one or more ports to a dedicated monitor port for (among others) problems like yours.

But I am not sure at what price class features like that are offered.

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